What moves you?
Dancing must have a reason other than mere technique and routine.
– Pina Bausch
“In uns bewegt” is a dance festivity celebrated inside a church. Five dancers, one choreographer, a composer & a theologian, with different spiritual paths and artistic curiosity, present a dance performance that dialogues with the architecture, the sounds & smells of the church as another body taking part of this ceremony. The organ music and a two voices accompany us in this circular journey.
"In uns bewegt" opens a dialogue between art and Christianity, between body and faith, between man and man. How much importance does our body have? What role does the body play in Christianity, in our society? What touches people in their innermost being?
We honour what we are today, here and now and what we mean to each other. Both the dancers and the church carry personal stories, testimonies and rituals that inform this particular celebration. With simplicity, vulnerability and joy, we invite the viewers to be part of this fest. Our dance language accompanied by a original music composition is a stylistic device that we offer, in order to create a continuous flow that distorts the time and carries not only us as performers but also the audience into another mental space, just as religious rituals do.
This performance is a tribute to a personal and diverse understanding of faith. It opens doors, windows and corridors to what moves us inside, at the current times. With this question, we start our dance and the poetry emerges. The architectural beauty of the church and the artwork that has been created in relation to it such as paintings, music and theatre pieces are the seeds from which our movements grow. Our in-time conversation an act of contemplation that allow us to express what the church and faith mean to us as dancers, and what does the dance means to the church. We invite the audience to reflect and be part of this dialogue.
“In uns bewegt” is a physical prayer, with no credos, the one that we all know in our hearts and does not need to be learned. An experience to share the silence, where a diverse range of expressions are included: subtle as well energetic movement, a strong sound of the organ or a single voice in song.
On this journey, we invite the viewers to open their senses and to observe the new life that it is created through the dance; a unique and surprising universe of which they are also part, embraced by the church’s space.
choreography & project management
Rebecca Mary
music composition
Fiona Combosch
dancers & co-creators
Andrea Lagos, Irene Carreño, Dagmar Ottmann, Kai Brügge, Vera Stierli
David Walter (Organist), Charlotte Kersting, Alina Kirschgässner (Singers)
theologic accompaniment & project manager
Anne Hilpert
costume designers
Bianka Heck & Stefanie Wyen
photos & film
Jürgen Gocke & Marc Doradzillo
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