Yaku Samay – Atem des Wassers
February 9 @ 17:00
“I called my world Earth, but I thought it should really be called Water” (Maja Lunde)
The mixedabled dance piece Yaku Samay takes the essence of water as a metaphor to artistically explore the connection between humans and nature.
The diversity in quality and intensity of the element is reflected in the movement and sound of the dancers, transforming them into deeply human forms of expression.
As the source of life, water symbolizes a universal, reliable constant – the sound of waves, the flow of rivers, the cyclical nature of water in a dramaturgy of a permanent cycle in and around the earth.
Six dancers and a movement choir immerse themselves in the facets of water and create a sensual experience from the perspective of their lived experience, in which the boundaries between body, sound and water dissolve.
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